More or Less from the BBC
(too old to reply)
Martin Nicholas
2023-09-23 15:13:26 UTC
Which city has the longest canals?
We dive back into the world of waterways after a listener question
about who has the longest canals.

Did 35,000 Americans die building the Panama Canal?
We fact check a claim made by Donald Trump about the construction of
the world famous canal.
Spoiler alert: Trump was talking BS.

Martin Nicholas.

E-mail: reply-***@mgn.org.uk (Address will be valid throughout

Internet search is a popularity contest, not an accuracy contest.
Therein lies the problem.
chrisnd @ukrw
2023-09-24 08:36:29 UTC
Post by Martin Nicholas
Which city has the longest canals?
We dive back into the world of waterways after a listener question
about who has the longest canals.
Go on, give us the answer! - twill save me listening listening to the
beeb's ramblings - or is it worth it this time?
Post by Martin Nicholas
Did 35,000 Americans die building the Panama Canal?
We fact check a claim made by Donald Trump about the construction of
the world famous canal.
Spoiler alert: Trump was talking BS.
I assumed that :-)

Author & Publisher: "A Boaters Guide to BOATING"
Mixing old and new waterway techniques. ISBN 9780953151202
Details: http://www.deuchars.co.uk/publication/
John Williamson
2023-09-24 10:34:52 UTC
Post by chrisnd @ukrw
Post by Martin Nicholas
Which city has the longest canals?
We dive back into the world of waterways after a listener question
about who has the longest canals.
Go on, give us the answer! - twill save me listening listening to the
beeb's ramblings - or is it worth it this time?
The way I heard it was that it is either Birmingham, Venice or some
place I can't find on Google Maps in China, depending on how you define
"canal" and how you define the actual city boundary.

I found it quite interesting, but I do live on a canal.
Tciao for Now!

Roger Lynn
2023-09-24 18:23:45 UTC
Post by chrisnd @ukrw
Post by Martin Nicholas
Which city has the longest canals?
We dive back into the world of waterways after a listener question
about who has the longest canals.
Go on, give us the answer! - twill save me listening listening to the
beeb's ramblings - or is it worth it this time?
More or Less is always worth listening to. I'm disappointed that this
segment is apparently not included in the episode that is about to be
repeated on Radio 4. (8pm Sunday).
