Keep Canals Alive: We Need Your Voice #KeepCanalsAlive
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Martin Nicholas
2023-07-17 10:54:38 UTC
Government funding cuts put future of nation’s historic canals at risk.

A reduction in canal grant funding of over £300 million in real terms
over a 10-year period from 2027 will threaten the future of the
nation’s historic canals, leading to their decline and to the eventual
closure of some parts of our cherished waterways network.

We’re asking you to help #KeepCanalsAlive by emailing your local MP
urging them to provide the nation’s canals with the funding they need
to protect them for future generations.

In two simple steps you can help us take action today.


Martin Nicholas.

E-mail: reply-***@mgn.org.uk (Address will be valid throughout

Them's my principles; but if you don’t like them - I kin change them!
John Williamson
2023-07-17 11:18:38 UTC
Post by Martin Nicholas
Government funding cuts put future of nation’s historic canals at risk.
A reduction in canal grant funding of over £300 million in real terms
over a 10-year period from 2027 will threaten the future of the
nation’s historic canals, leading to their decline and to the eventual
closure of some parts of our cherished waterways network.
We’re asking you to help #KeepCanalsAlive by emailing your local MP
urging them to provide the nation’s canals with the funding they need
to protect them for future generations.
In two simple steps you can help us take action today.
Done. I still expect my licence and mooring fees to double over the next
few years, though, unless the canals are re-nationalised.
Tciao for Now!
